推广 热搜:


  • 发布日期:2024-11-26 09:51
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 商机区域:全国
  • 浏览次数0
  • 留言咨询
  Size:diameteter 10-120mm/length500-9000mm
  (1)40CrNiMo with special treatment and involute form can be used cicumstances of high torque,high torsion and high load.
  (2)And nitrogen bearing Martensite stainless steel,WR15EandWR30 can aiso be spplide to make good toughness and machine performance available.The performance similar to the imported shaft but with more cost efficient,the machining process is under accurate controlling to make sure the accurscy of groove depth and distance,the smoothness of the surface,toughness and durability as well.
  芯轴材料介绍/Material Introduction
  Rally WR15E是一种强度合金工具钢。其性能特点如下:
  Rally WR15E is a chromium-molybedenum-vanadium-alloyed steel
  Which is characterized by;
  -Excellent tensile strength combined with good toughness
  -High themal stability,high tesistant to thermal shocks
  -Good high-temperature strength
  -Good machinability and polishablility
  -Excellent through-hardenjing properties
  -Good dimensional stability during hardening
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